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Gluten Support

Velox Backend

Gluten with velox backend supports Celeborn as remote shuffle service. Below introduction is used to enable this feature.

First refer to Get Started With Velox to build Gluten with velox backend.

When compiling the Gluten Java module, it's required to enable rss profile, as follows:

mvn clean package -Pbackends-velox -Pspark-3.3 -Prss -DskipTests

Then add the Gluten and Spark Celeborn Client packages to your Spark application's classpath(usually add them into $SPARK_HOME/jars).

  • Celeborn: celeborn-client-spark-3-shaded_2.12-[celebornVersion].jar
  • Gluten: gluten-velox-bundle-spark3.x_2.12-xx-xx-SNAPSHOT.jar, gluten-thirdparty-lib-xx.jar

Currently, to use Gluten following configurations are required in spark-defaults.conf.

spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.shuffle.gluten.celeborn.CelebornShuffleManager

# celeborn master
spark.celeborn.master.endpoints clb-master:9097

# we recommend set `spark.celeborn.push.replicate.enabled` to true to enable server-side data replication
# If you have only one worker, this setting must be false 
spark.celeborn.client.push.replicate.enabled true

spark.celeborn.client.spark.shuffle.writer hash
# This is not necessary if your Spark external shuffle service is Spark 3.1 or newer
spark.shuffle.service.enabled false
spark.sql.adaptive.localShuffleReader.enabled false

# If you want to use dynamic resource allocation,
# please refer to this URL ( to apply the patch into your own Spark.
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled false


Celeborn Version Available in Gluten?
< 0.2.0 No
>= 0.2.0 Yes