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Migration Guide

Upgrading from 0.5 to 0.6

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn modified celeborn.quota.tenant.diskBytesWritten to celeborn.quota.user.diskBytesWritten. Please use celeborn.quota.user.diskBytesWritten if you want to set user level quota.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn modified celeborn.quota.tenant.diskFileCount to celeborn.quota.user.diskFileCount. Please use celeborn.quota.user.diskFileCount if you want to set user level quota.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn modified celeborn.quota.tenant.hdfsBytesWritten to celeborn.quota.user.hdfsBytesWritten. Please use celeborn.quota.user.hdfsBytesWritten if you want to set user level quota.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn modified celeborn.quota.tenant.hdfsFileCount to celeborn.quota.user.hdfsFileCount. Please use celeborn.quota.user.hdfsFileCount if you want to set user level quota.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn changed the default value of celeborn.master.slot.assign.extraSlots from 2 to 100, which means Celeborn will involve more workers in offering slots.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn deprecate celeborn.worker.congestionControl.low.watermark. Please use celeborn.worker.congestionControl.diskBuffer.low.watermark instead.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn deprecate celeborn.worker.congestionControl.high.watermark. Please use celeborn.worker.congestionControl.diskBuffer.high.watermark instead.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn changed the default value of celeborn.client.spark.fetch.throwsFetchFailure from false to true, which means Celeborn will enable spark stage rerun at default.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn changed celeborn.<module>.io.mode optional, of which the default value changed from NIO to EPOLL if epoll mode is available, falling back to NIO otherwise.

  • Since 0.6.0, Celeborn has introduced a new RESTful API namespace: /api/v1, which uses the application/json media type for requests and responses. The celeborn-openapi-client SDK is also available to help users interact with the new RESTful APIs. The legacy RESTful APIs have been deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Access the full RESTful API documentation for detailed information.

  • The mappings of the old RESTful APIs to the new RESTful APIs for Master.

    Old RESTful API New RESTful API Note
    GET /conf GET /api/v1/conf
    GET /listDynamicConfigs GET /api/v1/conf/dynamic
    GET /threadDump GET /api/v1/thread_dump
    GET /applications GET /api/v1/applications
    GET /hostnames GET /api/v1/applications/hostnames
    GET /shuffle GET /api/v1/shuffles
    GET /masterGroupInfo GET /api/v1/masters
    GET /workerInfo GET /api/v1/workers
    GET /lostWorkers GET /api/v1/workers get the lostWorkers field in response
    GET /excludedWorkers GET /api/v1/workers get the excludedWorkers field in response
    GET /shutdownWorkers GET /api/v1/workers get the shutdownWorkers filed in response
    GET /decommissionWorkers GET /api/v1/workers get the decommissioningWorkers filed in response
    POST /exclude POST /api/v1/workers/exclude
    GET /workerEventInfo GET /api/v1/workers/events
    POST /sendWorkerEvent POST /api/v1/workers/events
  • The mappings of the old RESTful APIs to the new RESTful APIs for Worker.

    Old RESTful API New RESTful API Note
    GET /conf GET /api/v1/conf
    GET /listDynamicConfigs GET /api/v1/conf/dynamic
    GET /threadDump GET /api/v1/thread_dump
    GET /applications GET /api/v1/applications
    GET /shuffle GET /api/v1/shuffles
    GET /listPartitionLocationInfo GET /api/v1/shuffles/partitions
    GET /workerInfo GET /api/v1/workers
    GET /isRegistered GET /api/v1/workers get the isRegistered field in response
    GET /isDecommissioning GET /api/v1/workers get the isDecommissioning field in response
    GET /isShutdown GET /api/v1/workers get the isShutdown field in response
    GET /unavailablePeers GET /api/v1/workers/unavailable_peers
    POST /exit POST /api/v1/workers/exit
  • Since 0.6.0, the RESTful api /listTopDiskUsedApps both in Master and Worker has been removed. Please use the following PromQL query instead.

    topK(50, sum by (applicationId) (metrics_diskBytesWritten_Value{role="worker", applicationId!=""}))

  • Since 0.6.0, the out-of-dated Flink 1.14 and Flink 1.15 have been removed from the official support list.

Upgrading from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1

  • Since 0.5.1, Celeborn master REST API /exclude request uses media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead of text/plain.

  • Since 0.5.1, Celeborn master REST API /sendWorkerEvent request uses POST method and the parameters type and workers use form parameters instead, and uses media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead of text/plain.

  • Since 0.5.1, Celeborn worker REST API /exit request uses media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded instead of text/plain.

Upgrading from 0.4 to 0.5

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn master metrics LostWorkers is renamed as LostWorkerCount.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn worker metrics ChunkStreamCount is renamed as ActiveChunkStreamCount.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn worker metrics CreditStreamCount is renamed as ActiveCreditStreamCount.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn configurations support new tag isDynamic to represent whether the configuration is dynamic config.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn changed the default value of celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.recoverDbBackend from LEVELDB to ROCKSDB, which means Celeborn will use RocksDB store for recovery backend. To restore the behavior before Celeborn 0.5, you can set celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.recoverDbBackend to LEVELDB.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn deprecate celeborn.quota.configuration.path. Please use instead.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn client removes configuration celeborn.client.push.splitPartition.threads, celeborn.client.flink.inputGate.minMemory and celeborn.client.flink.resultPartition.minMemory.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn deprecate celeborn.client.spark.shuffle.forceFallback.enabled. Please use celeborn.client.spark.shuffle.fallback.policy instead.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn master REST API /exclude uses POST method and the parameters add and remove use form parameters instead.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn worker REST API /exit uses POST method and the parameter type uses form parameter instead.

  • Since 0.5.0, Celeborn master and worker REST API /shuffles is renamed as /shuffle, and will be deprecated since 0.6.0.

Upgrading from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1

  • Since 0.4.1, Celeborn master adds a limit to the estimated partition size used for computing worker slots. This size is now constrained within the range specified by celeborn.master.estimatedPartitionSize.minSize and celeborn.master.estimatedPartitionSize.maxSize.

  • Since 0.4.1, Celeborn changed the fallback configuration of celeborn.client.rpc.getReducerFileGroup.askTimeout, celeborn.client.rpc.registerShuffle.askTimeout and celeborn.client.rpc.requestPartition.askTimeout from celeborn.<module>.io.connectionTimeout to celeborn.rpc.askTimeout.

Upgrading from 0.3 to 0.4

  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn won't be compatible with Celeborn client that versions below 0.3.0. Note that: It's strongly recommended to use the same version of Client and Celeborn Master/Worker in production.

  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn won't support org.apache.spark.shuffle.celeborn.RssShuffleManager.

  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn changed the default value of celeborn.<module>.io.numConnectionsPerPeer from 2 to 1.

  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn has changed the names of the prometheus master and worker configuration as shown in the table below:

    Key Before v0.4.0 Key After v0.4.0
    celeborn.metrics.master.prometheus.port celeborn.master.http.port
    celeborn.metrics.worker.prometheus.port celeborn.worker.http.port
  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn deprecate and Please use instead.

  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn deprecate Please use instead.

  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn worker removes configuration celeborn.worker.userResourceConsumption.update.interval.

  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn master metrics PartitionWritten is renamed as ActiveShuffleSize.

  • Since 0.4.0, Celeborn master metrics PartitionFileCount is renamed as ActiveShuffleFileCount.

Upgrading from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2

  • Since 0.3.1, Celeborn changed the default value of raft.client.rpc.request.timeout from 3s to 10s.

  • Since 0.3.1, Celeborn changed the default value of from 10s to 20s.

Upgrading from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1

  • Since 0.3.1, Celeborn changed the default value of celeborn.worker.directMemoryRatioToResume from 0.5 to 0.7.

  • Since 0.3.1, Celeborn changed the default value of celeborn.worker.monitor.disk.check.interval from 60 to 30.

  • Since 0.3.1, name of JVM metrics changed, see details at CELEBORN-1007.

Upgrading from 0.2 to 0.3

  • Celeborn 0.2 Client is compatible with 0.3 Master/Server, it allows to upgrade Master/Worker first then Client. Note that: It's strongly recommended to use the same version of Client and Celeborn Master/Worker in production.

  • Since 0.3.0, the support of deprecated configurations rss.* is removed. All configurations listed in 0.2.1 docs still take effect, but some of those are deprecated too, please read the bootstrap logs and follow the suggestion to migrate to the new configuration.

  • From 0.3.0 on the default value for celeborn.client.push.replicate.enabled is changed from true to false, users who want replication on should explicitly enable replication. For example, to enable replication for Spark users should add the spark config when submitting job: spark.celeborn.client.push.replicate.enabled=true

  • From 0.3.0 on the default value for is changed from hadoop/rss-worker/shuffle_data to celeborn-worker/shuffle_data, users who want to use origin working dir path should set this configuration.

  • Since 0.3.0, configuration namespace celeborn.ha.master is deprecated, and will be removed in the future versions. All configurations celeborn.ha.master.* should migrate to celeborn.master.ha.*.

  • Since 0.3.0, environment variables CELEBORN_MASTER_HOST and CELEBORN_MASTER_PORT are removed. Instead CELEBORN_LOCAL_HOSTNAME works on both master and worker, which takes high priority than configurations defined in properties file.

  • Since 0.3.0, the Celeborn Master URL schema is changed from rss:// to celeborn://, for users who start Worker by sbin/ rss://<master-host>:<master-port>, should migrate to sbin/ celeborn://<master-host>:<master-port>.

  • Since 0.3.0, Celeborn supports overriding Hadoop configuration(core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, etc.) from Celeborn configuration with the additional prefix celeborn.hadoop.. On Spark client side, user should set Hadoop configuration like, note that does not take effect; on Flink client and Celeborn Master/Worker side, user should set like

  • Since 0.3.0, Celeborn master metrics BlacklistedWorkerCount is renamed as ExcludedWorkerCount.

  • Since 0.3.0, Celeborn master http request url /blacklistedWorkers is renamed as /excludedWorkers.

  • Since 0.3.0, introduces a terminology update for Celeborn worker data replication, replacing the previous master/slave terminology with primary/replica. In alignment with this change, corresponding metrics keywords have been adjusted. The following table presents a comprehensive overview of the changes:

    Key Before v0.3.0 Key After v0.3.0
    MasterPushDataTime PrimaryPushDataTime
    MasterPushDataHandshakeTime PrimaryPushDataHandshakeTime
    MasterRegionStartTime PrimaryRegionStartTime
    MasterRegionFinishTime PrimaryRegionFinishTime
    SlavePushDataTime ReplicaPushDataTime
    SlavePushDataHandshakeTime ReplicaPushDataHandshakeTime
    SlaveRegionStartTime ReplicaRegionStartTime
    SlaveRegionFinishTime ReplicaRegionFinishTime
  • Since 0.3.0, Celeborn's spark shuffle manager change from org.apache.spark.shuffle.celeborn.RssShuffleManager to org.apache.spark.shuffle.celeborn.SparkShuffleManager. User can set spark property spark.shuffle.manager to org.apache.spark.shuffle.celeborn.SparkShuffleManager to use Celeborn remote shuffle service. In 0.3.0, Celeborn still support org.apache.spark.shuffle.celeborn.RssShuffleManager, it will be removed in 0.4.0.