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Celeborn CLI

Celeborn CLI is the command line interface of Celeborn including the management of the master and worker service etc.

Note: CLI requires version 0.6+ of Celeborn to work since it depends on OpenAPI for API calls.


Version Available in src tarball? Available in bin tarball?
< 0.6.0 No No
>= 0.6.0 Yes Yes


To get the binary package apache-celeborn-<VERSION>-bin.tgz, download the pre-built binary tarball from Download or the source tarball from Download for building Celeborn according to Build.

After getting the binary package apache-celeborn-<VERSION>-bin.tgz:

$ tar -C <DST_DIR> -zxvf apache-celeborn-<VERSION>-bin.tgz
$ ln -s <DST_DIR>/apache-celeborn-<VERSION>-bin <DST_DIR>/celeborn

Export the following environment variable and add the bin directory to the $PATH:

$ export CELEBORN_HOME=<DST_DIR>/celeborn
$ export PATH=${CELEBORN_HOME}/sbin:$PATH

You can use the following command to verify whether CLI works well:

$ celeborn-cli -V
Celeborn CLI - Celeborn <VERSION>


The commands available can be seen via the help option -h or --help.

$ celeborn-cli -h
Usage: celeborn-cli [-hV] [COMMAND]
Scala Celeborn CLI
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.

The basic usage of commands for master and worker service can also get with the help option -h or --help.

  • master commands:
$ celeborn-cli master -h
Usage: celeborn-cli master [-hV] [--apps=appId] [--cluster=cluster_alias]
                           [--config-level=level] [--config-name=username]
                           [--config-tenant=tenant_id] [--host-list=h1,h2,
                           h3...] [--hostport=host:port] [--worker-ids=w1,w2,
                           w3...] (--show-masters-info | --show-cluster-apps |
                           --show-cluster-shuffles | --show-top-disk-used-apps
                           | --exclude-worker | --remove-excluded-worker |
                           --send-worker-event=IMMEDIATELY | DECOMMISSION | 
                           NONE | --show-worker-event-info |
                           --show-lost-workers | --show-excluded-workers |
                           --show-manual-excluded-workers |
                           --show-shutdown-workers |
                           --show-decommissioning-workers |
                           --show-lifecycle-managers | --show-workers |
                           --show-conf | --show-dynamic-conf |
                           --show-thread-dump | --show-container-info |
                           --add-cluster-alias=alias |
                           --remove-cluster-alias=alias |
                           --remove-workers-unavailable-info |
                           --revise-lost-shuffles | --delete-apps)
                             Add alias to use in the cli for the given set of
      --apps=appId           The application Id list seperated by comma.
                             The alias of the cluster to use to query masters
      --config-level=level   The config level of the dynamic configs
      --config-name=username The username of the TENANT_USER level.
                             The tenant id of TENANT or TENANT_USER level.
      --delete-apps          Delete resource of an application.
      --exclude-worker       Exclude workers by ID
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
                             List of hosts to pass to the command
      --hostport=host:port   The host and http port
                             Remove alias to use in the cli for the given set
                               of masters
                             Remove excluded workers by ID
                             Remove the workers unavailable info from the
      --revise-lost-shuffles Revise lost shuffles or remove shuffles for an
                             Send an event to a worker
      --show-cluster-apps    Show cluster applications
                             Show cluster shuffles
      --show-conf            Show master conf
      --show-container-info  Show container info
                             Show decommissioning workers
      --show-dynamic-conf    Show dynamic master conf
                             Show excluded workers
                             Show lifecycle managers
      --show-lost-workers    Show lost workers
                             Show manual excluded workers
      --show-masters-info    Show master group info
                             Show shutdown workers
      --show-thread-dump     Show master thread dump
                             Show top disk used apps
                             Show worker event information
      --show-workers         Show registered workers
                             The shuffle ids to manipulate.
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.
                             List of workerIds to pass to the command. Each
                               worker should be in the format host:rpcPort:
  • worker commands:
$ celeborn-cli worker -h
Usage: celeborn-cli worker [-hV] [--apps=appId] [--cluster=cluster_alias]
                           [--config-level=level] [--config-name=username]
                           [--config-tenant=tenant_id] [--host-list=h1,h2,
                           h3...] [--hostport=host:port] [--worker-ids=w1,w2,
                           w3...] (--show-worker-info | --show-apps-on-worker |
                           --show-shuffles-on-worker |
                           --show-top-disk-used-apps |
                           --show-partition-location-info |
                           --show-unavailable-peers | --is-shutdown |
                           --is-decommissioning | --is-registered |
                           --exit=exit_type | --show-conf |
                           --show-container-info | --show-dynamic-conf |
      --apps=appId           The application Id list seperated by comma.
                             The alias of the cluster to use to query masters
      --config-level=level   The config level of the dynamic configs
      --config-name=username The username of the TENANT_USER level.
                             The tenant id of TENANT or TENANT_USER level.
      --exit=exit_type       Exit the application with a specified type
  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
                             List of hosts to pass to the command
      --hostport=host:port   The host and http port
      --is-decommissioning   Check if the system is decommissioning
      --is-registered        Check if the system is registered
      --is-shutdown          Check if the system is shutdown
      --show-apps-on-worker  Show applications running on the worker
      --show-conf            Show worker conf
      --show-container-info  Show container info
      --show-dynamic-conf    Show dynamic worker conf
                             Show partition location information
                             Show shuffles running on the worker
      --show-thread-dump     Show worker thread dump
                             Show top disk used applications
                             Show unavailable peers
      --show-worker-info     Show worker info
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.
                             List of workerIds to pass to the command. Each
                               worker should be in the format host:rpcPort:

Ratis Shell

Celeborn CLI supports ratis shell with celeborn-ratis command to operate the master ratis service. Details of ratis shell refer to Celeborn Ratis Shell.