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Celeborn supports REST API and available for both master and worker. The endpoints are mounted at host:port. For example, for the master, they would typically be accessible at http://<master-http-host>:<master-http-port><path>, and for the worker, at http://<worker-http-host>:<worker-http-port><path>.

And the swagger UI is available at http://<http-host>:<http-port>/swagger (since 0.5.0) both for master and worker.

The configuration of <master-http-host>, <master-http-port>, <worker-http-host>, <worker-http--port> as below:

Key Default Description Since Master's http host. 0.4.0
celeborn.master.http.port 9098 Master's http port. 0.4.0 Worker's http host. 0.4.0
celeborn.worker.http.port 9096 Worker's http port. 0.4.0

Deprecated REST APIs

Since 0.6.0, the legacy REST APIs are deprecated and will be removed in the future. The new REST APIs are available at /api/v1. See the migration guide for API mappings.


Path Method Parameters Meaning
/applications GET List all running application's ids of the cluster.
/conf GET List the conf setting of the master.
/excludedWorkers GET List all excluded workers of the master.
/help GET List the available API providers of the master.
/hostnames GET List all running application's LifecycleManager's hostnames of the cluster.
/listDynamicConfigs GET level=${LEVEL} tenant=${TENANT} name=${NAME} List the dynamic configs of the master. The parameter level specifies the config level of dynamic configs. The parameter tenant specifies the tenant id of TENANT or TENANT_USER level. The parameter name specifies the user name of TENANT_USER level. Meanwhile, either none or all of the parameter tenant and name are specified for TENANT_USER level.
/listTopDiskUsedApps GET List the top disk usage application ids. It will return the top disk usage application ids for the cluster.
/lostWorkers GET List all lost workers of the master.
/masterGroupInfo GET List master group information of the service. It will list all master's LEADER, FOLLOWER information.
/metrics/prometheus GET List the metrics data in prometheus format of the master. The url path is defined by configure celeborn.metrics.prometheus.path.
/shuffles GET List all running shuffle keys of the service. It will return all running shuffle's key of the cluster.
/shutdownWorkers GET List all shutdown workers of the master.
/decommissionWorkers GET List all decommission workers of the master.
/threadDump GET List the current thread dump of the master.
/workerEventInfo GET List all worker event information of the master.
/workerInfo GET List worker information of the service. It will list all registered workers' information.
/exclude POST add=${ADD_WORKERS} remove=${REMOVE_WORKERS} Excluded workers of the master add or remove the worker manually given worker id. The parameter add or remove specifies the excluded workers to add or remove, which value is separated by commas.
/sendWorkerEvent POST type=${EVENT_TYPE} workers=${WORKERS} For Master(Leader) can send worker event to manager workers. Legal types are 'None', 'Immediately', 'Decommission', 'DecommissionThenIdle', 'Graceful', 'Recommission', and the parameter workers is separated by commas.


Path Method Parameters Meaning
/applications GET List all running application's ids of the worker. It only return application ids running in that worker.
/conf GET List the conf setting of the worker.
/help GET List the available API providers of the worker.
/isRegistered GET Show if the worker is registered to the master success.
/isShutdown GET Show if the worker is during the process of shutdown.
/isDecommissioning GET Show if the worker is during the process of decommission.
/listDynamicConfigs GET level=${LEVEL} tenant=${TENANT} name=${NAME} List the dynamic configs of the worker. The parameter level specifies the config level of dynamic configs. The parameter tenant specifies the tenant id of TENANT or TENANT_USER level. The parameter name specifies the user name of TENANT_USER level. Meanwhile, either none or all of the parameter tenant and name are specified for TENANT_USER level.
/listPartitionLocationInfo GET List all the living PartitionLocation information in that worker.
/listTopDiskUsedApps GET List the top disk usage application ids. It only return application ids running in that worker.
/metrics/prometheus GET List the metrics data in prometheus format of the worker. The url path is defined by configure celeborn.metrics.prometheus.path.
/shuffles GET List all the running shuffle keys of the worker. It only return keys of shuffles running in that worker.
/threadDump GET List the current thread dump of the worker.
/unavailablePeers GET List the unavailable peers of the worker, this always means the worker connect to the peer failed.
/workerInfo GET List the worker information of the worker.
/exit POST type=${EXIT_TYPE} Trigger this worker to exit. Legal types are 'Decommission', 'Graceful' and 'Immediately'.

/api/v1 APIs (Since 0.6.0)


See the master openapi spec yaml in the repo openapi/openapi-client/src/main/openapi3/master_rest_v1.yaml.


See the worker openapi spec yaml in the repo openapi/openapi-client/src/main/openapi3/worker_rest_v1.yaml.


You can locally preview the OpenAPI specification YAML file in IDE, or use the Swagger Editor online for visualization.