Helm Charts
Run Helm Unit Tests
To run unit tests against Helm charts, first you need to install the helm unittest plugin as follows:
helm plugin install https://github.com/helm-unittest/helm-unittest.git --version=0.5.1
For detailed information about how to write helm chart unit tests, please refer helm-unittest/helm-unittest. When you want to modify the chart templates or values, remember to update the related unit tests as well, otherwise the github CI may fail.
Unit tests are placed under charts/celeborn/tests
directory, and can be running using the following command:
$ helm unittest charts/celeborn --file "tests/**/*_test.yaml" --strict --debug
### Chart [ celeborn ] charts/celeborn
PASS Test Celeborn configmap charts/celeborn/tests/configmap_test.yaml
PASS Test Celeborn master pod monitor charts/celeborn/tests/master/podmonitor_test.yaml
PASS Test Celeborn master priority class charts/celeborn/tests/master/priorityclass_test.yaml
PASS Test Celeborn master service charts/celeborn/tests/master/service_test.yaml
PASS Test Celeborn master statefulset charts/celeborn/tests/master/statefulset_test.yaml
PASS Test Celeborn worker pod monitor charts/celeborn/tests/worker/podmonitor_test.yaml
PASS Test Celeborn worker priority class charts/celeborn/tests/worker/priorityclass_test.yaml
PASS Test Celeborn worker service charts/celeborn/tests/worker/service_test.yaml
PASS Test Celeborn worker statefulset charts/celeborn/tests/worker/statefulset_test.yaml
Charts: 1 passed, 1 total
Test Suites: 9 passed, 9 total
Tests: 46 passed, 46 total
Snapshot: 0 passed, 0 total
Time: 177.518ms