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Configuration Guide

This documentation contains Celeborn configuration details and a tuning guide.

Important Configurations

Environment Variables


Celeborn workers tend to improve performance by using off-heap buffers. Off-heap memory requirement can be estimated as below:

numDirs = ``             # the amount of directory will be used by Celeborn storage
bufferSize = `celeborn.worker.flusher.buffer.size`   # the amount of memory will be used by a single flush buffer 
off-heap-memory = bufferSize * estimatedTasks * 2 + network memory

For example, if an Celeborn worker has 10 storage directories or disks and the buffer size is set to 256 KiB. The necessary off-heap memory is 10 GiB.

Network memory will be consumed when netty reads from a TPC channel, there will need some extra memory. Empirically, Celeborn worker off-heap memory should be set to (numDirs * bufferSize * 1.2).

All Configurations


Key Default Description Since
celeborn.application.heartbeatInterval 10s Interval for client to send heartbeat message to master. 0.2.0
celeborn.client.maxRetries 15 Max retry times for client to connect master endpoint 0.2.0
celeborn.fetch.maxReqsInFlight 3 Amount of in-flight chunk fetch request. 0.2.0
celeborn.fetch.maxRetries 3 Max retries of fetch chunk 0.2.0
celeborn.fetch.timeout 120s Timeout for a task to fetch chunk. 0.2.0
celeborn.master.endpoints <localhost>:9097 Endpoints of master nodes for celeborn client to connect, allowed pattern is: <host1>:<port1>[,<host2>:<port2>]*, e.g. clb1:9097,clb2:9098,clb3:9099. If the port is omitted, 9097 will be used. 0.2.0
celeborn.push.buffer.initial.size 8k 0.2.0
celeborn.push.buffer.max.size 64k Max size of reducer partition buffer memory for shuffle hash writer. The pushed data will be buffered in memory before sending to Celeborn worker. For performance consideration keep this buffer size higher than 32K. Example: If reducer amount is 2000, buffer size is 64K, then each task will consume up to 64KiB * 2000 = 125MiB heap memory. 0.2.0 120s Timeout for a task to push data rpc message. 0.2.0
celeborn.push.limit.inFlight.sleepInterval 50ms Sleep interval when check netty in-flight requests to be done. 0.2.0
celeborn.push.limit.inFlight.timeout 240s Timeout for netty in-flight requests to be done. 0.2.0
celeborn.push.maxReqsInFlight 32 Amount of Netty in-flight requests. The maximum memory is celeborn.push.maxReqsInFlight * celeborn.push.buffer.max.size * compression ratio(1 in worst case), default: 64Kib * 32 = 2Mib 0.2.0
celeborn.push.queue.capacity 512 Push buffer queue size for a task. The maximum memory is celeborn.push.buffer.max.size * celeborn.push.queue.capacity, default: 64KiB * 512 = 32MiB 0.2.0
celeborn.push.replicate.enabled true When true, Celeborn worker will replicate shuffle data to another Celeborn worker asynchronously to ensure the pushed shuffle data won't be lost after the node failure. 0.2.0
celeborn.push.retry.threads 8 Thread number to process shuffle re-send push data requests. 0.2.0
celeborn.push.sortMemory.threshold 64m When SortBasedPusher use memory over the threshold, will trigger push data. 0.2.0
celeborn.push.splitPartition.threads 8 Thread number to process shuffle split request in shuffle client. 0.2.0
celeborn.push.stageEnd.timeout <undefined> Timeout for waiting StageEnd. Default value should be celeborn.rpc.askTimeout * (celeborn.rpc.requestCommitFiles.maxRetries + 1). 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.cache.concurrencyLevel 32 The number of write locks to update rpc cache. 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.cache.expireTime 15s The time before a cache item is removed. 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.cache.size 256 The max cache items count for rpc cache. 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.getReducerFileGroup.askTimeout <undefined> Timeout for ask operations during get reducer file group. Default value should be celeborn.rpc.askTimeout * (celeborn.rpc.requestCommitFiles.maxRetries + 1 + 1). 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.maxParallelism 1024 Max parallelism of client on sending RPC requests. 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.registerShuffle.askTimeout <undefined> Timeout for ask operations during register shuffle. Default value should be celeborn.rpc.askTimeout * (celeborn.slots.reserve.maxRetries + 1 + 1). 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.requestCommitFiles.maxRetries 2 Max retry times for requestCommitFiles RPC. 1.0.0
celeborn.rpc.requestPartition.askTimeout <undefined> Timeout for ask operations during request change partition location, such as revive or split partition. Default value should be celeborn.rpc.askTimeout * (celeborn.slots.reserve.maxRetries + 1). 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.batchHandleChangePartition.enabled false When true, LifecycleManager will handle change partition request in batch. Otherwise, LifecycleManager will process the requests one by one 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.batchHandleChangePartition.interval 100ms Interval for LifecycleManager to schedule handling change partition requests in batch. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.batchHandleChangePartition.threads 8 Threads number for LifecycleManager to handle change partition request in batch. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.batchHandleCommitPartition.enabled false When true, LifecycleManager will handle commit partition request in batch. Otherwise, LifecycleManager won't commit partition before stage end 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.batchHandleCommitPartition.interval 5s Interval for LifecycleManager to schedule handling commit partition requests in batch. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.batchHandleCommitPartition.threads 8 Threads number for LifecycleManager to handle commit partition request in batch. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.chuck.size 8m Max chunk size of reducer's merged shuffle data. For example, if a reducer's shuffle data is 128M and the data will need 16 fetch chunk requests to fetch. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.compression.codec LZ4 The codec used to compress shuffle data. By default, Celeborn provides two codecs: lz4 and zstd. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.compression.zstd.level 1 Compression level for Zstd compression codec, its value should be an integer between -5 and 22. Increasing the compression level will result in better compression at the expense of more CPU and memory. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.expired.checkInterval 60s Interval for client to check expired shuffles. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.forceFallback.enabled false Whether force fallback shuffle to Spark's default. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.forceFallback.numPartitionsThreshold 500000 Celeborn will only accept shuffle of partition number lower than this configuration value. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.manager.port 0 Port used by the LifecycleManager on the Driver. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.partition.type REDUCE Type of shuffle's partition. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.partitionSplit.mode SOFT soft: the shuffle file size might be larger than split threshold. hard: the shuffle file size will be limited to split threshold. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.partitionSplit.threshold 1G Shuffle file size threshold, if file size exceeds this, trigger split. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.rangeReadFilter.enabled false If a spark application have skewed partition, this value can set to true to improve performance. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.register.maxRetries 3 Max retry times for client to register shuffle. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.register.retryWait 3s Wait time before next retry if register shuffle failed. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.writer HASH Celeborn supports the following kind of shuffle writers. 1. hash: hash-based shuffle writer works fine when shuffle partition count is normal; 2. sort: sort-based shuffle writer works fine when memory pressure is high or shuffle partition count is huge. 0.2.0
celeborn.slots.reserve.maxRetries 3 Max retry times for client to reserve slots. 0.2.0
celeborn.slots.reserve.retryWait 3s Wait time before next retry if reserve slots failed. 0.2.0 <undefined> HDFS dir configuration for Celeborn to access HDFS. 0.2.0
celeborn.test.fetchFailure false Whether to test fetch chunk failure 0.2.0
celeborn.test.retryCommitFiles false Fail commitFile request for test 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.excluded.checkInterval 30s Interval for client to refresh excluded worker list. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.excluded.expireTimeout 600s Timeout time for LifecycleManager to clear reserved excluded worker. 0.2.0

Columnar Shuffle

Key Default Description Since
celeborn.columnar.offHeap.enabled false Whether to use off heap columnar vector. 0.2.0
celeborn.columnar.shuffle.batch.size 10000 Vector batch size for columnar shuffle. 0.2.0
celeborn.columnar.shuffle.codegen.enabled false Whether to use codegen for columnar-based shuffle. 0.2.0
celeborn.columnar.shuffle.enabled false Whether to enable columnar-based shuffle. 0.2.0
celeborn.columnar.shuffle.encoding.dictionary.enabled false Whether to use dictionary encoding for columnar-based shuffle data. 0.2.0
celeborn.columnar.shuffle.encoding.dictionary.maxFactor 0.3 Max factor for dictionary size. The max dictionary size is min(32.0 KB, celeborn.columnar.shuffle.batch.size * celeborn.columnar.shuffle.encoding.dictionary.maxFactor). 0.2.0


Key Default Description Since
celeborn.application.heartbeat.timeout 120s Application heartbeat timeout. 0.2.0
celeborn.ha.enabled false When true, master nodes run as Raft cluster mode. 0.2.0
celeborn.ha.master.node.<id>.host <required> Host to bind of master node in HA mode. 0.2.0
celeborn.ha.master.node.<id>.port 9097 Port to bind of master node in HA mode. 0.2.0
celeborn.ha.master.node.<id>.ratis.port 9872 Ratis port to bind of master node in HA mode. 0.2.0
celeborn.ha.master.ratis.raft.rpc.type netty RPC type for Ratis, available options: netty, grpc. 0.2.0 /tmp/ratis 0.2.0 <localhost> Hostname for master to bind. 0.2.0 Master's Prometheus host. 0.2.0
celeborn.master.metrics.prometheus.port 9098 Master's Prometheus port. 0.2.0
celeborn.master.port 9097 Port for master to bind. 0.2.0 50 Size for top items about top disk usage applications list. 0.2.0 10min Time length for a window about top disk usage application list. 0.2.0 24 Window size about top disk usage application list. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.capacity 4096 The maximum number of metrics which a source can use to generate output strings. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.collectPerfCritical.enabled false It controls whether to collect metrics which may affect performance. When enable, Celeborn collects them. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.enabled true When true, enable metrics system. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.sample.rate 1.0 It controls if Celeborn collect timer metrics for some operations. Its value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.timer.slidingWindow.size 4096 The sliding window size of timer metric. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.estimatedPartitionSize.update.initialDelay 5min Initial delay time before start updating partition size for estimation. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.estimatedPartitionSize.update.interval 10min Interval of updating partition size for estimation. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.initialEstimatedPartitionSize 64mb Initial partition size for estimation, it will change according to runtime stats. 0.2.0
celeborn.slots.assign.extraSlots 2 Extra slots number when master assign slots. 0.2.0
celeborn.slots.assign.loadAware.diskGroupGradient 0.1 This value means how many more workload will be placed into a faster disk group than a slower group. 0.2.0
celeborn.slots.assign.loadAware.fetchTimeWeight 1.0 Weight of average fetch time when calculating ordering in load-aware assignment strategy 0.2.1
celeborn.slots.assign.loadAware.flushTimeWeight 0.0 Weight of average flush time when calculating ordering in load-aware assignment strategy 0.2.1
celeborn.slots.assign.loadAware.numDiskGroups 5 This configuration is a guidance for load-aware slot allocation algorithm. This value is control how many disk groups will be created. 0.2.0
celeborn.slots.assign.policy ROUNDROBIN Policy for master to assign slots, Celeborn supports two types of policy: roundrobin and loadaware. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.heartbeat.timeout 120s Worker heartbeat timeout. 0.2.0


Key Default Description Since
celeborn.client.maxRetries 15 Max retry times for client to connect master endpoint 0.2.0
celeborn.master.endpoints <localhost>:9097 Endpoints of master nodes for celeborn client to connect, allowed pattern is: <host1>:<port1>[,<host2>:<port2>]*, e.g. clb1:9097,clb2:9098,clb3:9099. If the port is omitted, 9097 will be used. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.capacity 4096 The maximum number of metrics which a source can use to generate output strings. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.collectPerfCritical.enabled false It controls whether to collect metrics which may affect performance. When enable, Celeborn collects them. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.enabled true When true, enable metrics system. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.sample.rate 1.0 It controls if Celeborn collect timer metrics for some operations. Its value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.timer.slidingWindow.size 4096 The sliding window size of timer metric. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.chuck.size 8m Max chunk size of reducer's merged shuffle data. For example, if a reducer's shuffle data is 128M and the data will need 16 fetch chunk requests to fetch. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.minPartitionSizeToEstimate 8mb Ignore partition size smaller than this configuration of partition size for estimation. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.partitionSplit.min 1m Min size for a partition to split 0.2.0 <undefined> HDFS dir configuration for Celeborn to access HDFS. 0.2.0
celeborn.test.pushdataTimeout false Wheter to test pushdata timeout 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.closeIdleConnections false Whether worker will close idle connections. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.commit.threads 32 Thread number of worker to commit shuffle data files asynchronously. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.directMemoryRatioForMemoryShuffleStorage 0.1 Max ratio of direct memory to store shuffle data 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.directMemoryRatioForReadBuffer 0.1 Max ratio of direct memory for read buffer 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.directMemoryRatioToPauseReceive 0.85 If direct memory usage reaches this limit, the worker will stop to receive data from Celeborn shuffle clients. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.directMemoryRatioToPauseReplicate 0.95 If direct memory usage reaches this limit, the worker will stop to receive replication data from other workers. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.directMemoryRatioToResume 0.5 If direct memory usage is less than this limit, worker will resume. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.disk.check.timeout 30s Timeout time for worker check device status. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.disk.checkFileClean.maxRetries 3 The number of retries for a worker to check if the working directory is cleaned up before registering with the master. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.disk.checkFileClean.timeout 1000ms The wait time per retry for a worker to check if the working directory is cleaned up before registering with the master. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.disk.reserve.size 5G Celeborn worker reserved space for each disk. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.diskTime.slidingWindow.size 20 The size of sliding windows used to calculate statistics about flushed time and count. 0.2.1 16 Netty IO thread number of worker to handle client fetch data. The default threads number is 16. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.fetch.port 0 Server port for Worker to receive fetch data request from ShuffleClient. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.flusher.buffer.size 256k Size of buffer used by a single flusher. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.flusher.hdd.threads 1 Flusher's thread count per disk used for write data to HDD disks. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.flusher.hdfs.threads 4 Flusher's thread count used for write data to HDFS. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.flusher.shutdownTimeout 3s Timeout for a flusher to shutdown. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.flusher.ssd.threads 8 Flusher's thread count per disk used for write data to SSD disks. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.flusher.threads 2 Flusher's thread count per disk for unkown-type disks. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.checkSlotsFinished.interval 1s The wait interval of checking whether all released slots to be committed or destroyed during worker graceful shutdown 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.checkSlotsFinished.timeout 480s The wait time of waiting for the released slots to be committed or destroyed during worker graceful shutdown. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.enabled false When true, during worker shutdown, the worker will wait for all released slots to be committed or destroyed. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.partitionSorter.shutdownTimeout 120s The wait time of waiting for sorting partition files during worker graceful shutdown. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.recoverPath <tmp>/recover The path to store levelDB. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.timeout 600s The worker's graceful shutdown timeout time. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.heartbeat.timeout 120s Worker heartbeat timeout. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.memory.checkInterval 10ms Interval of worker direct memory checking. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.memory.reportInterval 10s Interval of worker direct memory tracker reporting to log. 0.2.0 Worker's Prometheus host. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.metrics.prometheus.port 9096 Worker's Prometheus port. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.monitor.disk.checkInterval 60s Intervals between device monitor to check disk. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.monitor.disk.checklist readwrite,diskusage Monitor type for disk, available items are: iohang, readwrite and diskusage. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.monitor.disk.enabled true When true, worker will monitor device and report to master. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.monitor.disk.sys.block.dir /sys/block The directory where linux file block information is stored. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.noneEmptyDirExpireDuration 1d If a non-empty application shuffle data dir have not been operated during le duration time, will mark this application as expired. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.partitionSorter.directMemoryRatioThreshold 0.1 Max ratio of partition sorter's memory for sorting, when reserved memory is higher than max partition sorter memory, partition sorter will stop sorting. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.partitionSorter.reservedMemoryPerPartition 1mb Reserved memory when sorting a shuffle file off-heap. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.partitionSorter.sort.timeout 220s Timeout for a shuffle file to sort. 0.2.0 16 Netty IO thread number of worker to handle client push data. The default threads number is 16. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.push.port 0 Server port for Worker to receive push data request from ShuffleClient. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.register.timeout 180s Worker register timeout. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.replicate.fastFail.duration 60s If a replicate request not replied during the duration, worker will mark the replicate data request as failed. 0.2.0 16 Netty IO thread number of worker to replicate shuffle data. The default threads number is 16. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.replicate.port 0 Server port for Worker to receive replicate data request from other Workers. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.replicate.threads 64 Thread number of worker to replicate shuffle data. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.rpc.port 0 Server port for Worker to receive RPC request. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.shuffle.commit.timeout <value of celeborn.rpc.askTimeout> Timeout for a Celeborn worker to commit files of a shuffle. 0.2.0 16 How many directories will be used if is not set. The directory name is a combination of and from one(inclusive) to step by one. 0.2.0 /mnt/disk Base directory for Celeborn worker to write if is not set. 0.2.0 <undefined> Directory list to store shuffle data. It's recommended to configure one directory on each disk. Storage size limit can be set for each directory. For the sake of performance, there should be no more than 2 flush threads on the same disk partition if you are using HDD, and should be 8 or more flush threads on the same disk partition if you are using SSD. For example: dir1[:capacity=][:disktype=][:flushthread=],dir2[:capacity=][:disktype=][:flushthread=] 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.workingDir hadoop/rss-worker/shuffle_data Worker's working dir path name. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.writer.close.timeout 120s Timeout for a file writer to close 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.writer.create.maxAttempts 3 Retry count for a file writer to create if its creation was failed. 0.2.0


Key Default Description Since
celeborn.quota.configuration.path <undefined> Quota configuration file path. The file format should be yaml. Quota configuration file template can be found under conf directory. 0.2.0
celeborn.quota.enabled true When true, before registering shuffle, LifecycleManager should check if current user have enough quota space, if cluster don't have enough quota space for current user, fallback to Spark's default shuffle 0.2.0
celeborn.quota.identity.provider org.apache.celeborn.common.identity.DefaultIdentityProvider IdentityProvider class name. Default class is org.apache.celeborn.common.identity.DefaultIdentityProvider, return org.apache.celeborn.common.identity.UserIdentifier with default tenant id and username from 0.2.0
celeborn.quota.manager org.apache.celeborn.common.quota.DefaultQuotaManager QuotaManger class name. Default class is org.apache.celeborn.common.quota.DefaultQuotaManager. 0.2.0


Key Default Description Since
celeborn.<module>.decoder.mode default Netty TransportFrameDecoder implementation, available options: default, supplier.
celeborn.<module>.io.backLog 0 Requested maximum length of the queue of incoming connections. Default 0 for no backlog.
celeborn.<module>.io.clientThreads 0 Number of threads used in the client thread pool. Default to 0, which is 2x#cores.
celeborn.<module>.io.connectTimeout <value of> Socket connect timeout.
celeborn.<module>.io.connectionTimeout <value of> Connection active timeout.
celeborn.<module>.io.enableVerboseMetrics false Whether to track Netty memory detailed metrics. If true, the detailed metrics of Netty PoolByteBufAllocator will be gotten, otherwise only general memory usage will be tracked.
celeborn.<module>.io.lazyFD true Whether to initialize FileDescriptor lazily or not. If true, file descriptors are created only when data is going to be transferred. This can reduce the number of open files.
celeborn.<module>.io.maxRetries 3 Max number of times we will try IO exceptions (such as connection timeouts) per request. If set to 0, we will not do any retries.
celeborn.<module>.io.mode NIO Netty EventLoopGroup backend, available options: NIO, EPOLL.
celeborn.<module>.io.numConnectionsPerPeer 2 Number of concurrent connections between two nodes.
celeborn.<module>.io.preferDirectBufs true If true, we will prefer allocating off-heap byte buffers within Netty.
celeborn.<module>.io.receiveBuffer 0b Receive buffer size (SO_RCVBUF). Note: the optimal size for receive buffer and send buffer should be latency * network_bandwidth. Assuming latency = 1ms, network_bandwidth = 10Gbps buffer size should be ~ 1.25MB. 0.2.0
celeborn.<module>.io.retryWait 5s Time that we will wait in order to perform a retry after an IOException. Only relevant if maxIORetries > 0. 0.2.0
celeborn.<module>.io.sendBuffer 0b Send buffer size (SO_SNDBUF). 0.2.0
celeborn.<module>.io.serverThreads 0 Number of threads used in the server thread pool. Default to 0, which is 2x#cores. 10s Default socket connect timeout. 0.2.0 240s Default timeout for network operations. 0.2.0
celeborn.port.maxRetries 1 When port is occupied, we will retry for max retry times. 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.askTimeout <value of> Timeout for RPC ask operations. 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.connect.threads 64 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.haClient.askTimeout <value of> Timeout for HA client RPC ask operations. 0.2.0
celeborn.rpc.lookupTimeout 30s Timeout for RPC lookup operations. 0.2.0
celeborn.shuffle.maxChunksBeingTransferred 9223372036854775807 The max number of chunks allowed to be transferred at the same time on shuffle service. Note that new incoming connections will be closed when the max number is hit. The client will retry according to the shuffle retry configs (see and, if those limits are reached the task will fail with fetch failure. 0.2.0


Key Default Description Since Master's Prometheus host. 0.2.0
celeborn.master.metrics.prometheus.port 9098 Master's Prometheus port. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.capacity 4096 The maximum number of metrics which a source can use to generate output strings. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.collectPerfCritical.enabled false It controls whether to collect metrics which may affect performance. When enable, Celeborn collects them. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.enabled true When true, enable metrics system. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.sample.rate 1.0 It controls if Celeborn collect timer metrics for some operations. Its value should be in [0.0, 1.0]. 0.2.0
celeborn.metrics.timer.slidingWindow.size 4096 The sliding window size of timer metric. 0.2.0 Worker's Prometheus host. 0.2.0
celeborn.worker.metrics.prometheus.port 9096 Worker's Prometheus port. 0.2.0


Environment Variables

Recommend configuring in conf/

Key Default Description
CELEBORN_HOME $(cd "`dirname "$0"`"/..; pwd)
CELEBORN_SSH_OPTS -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no


Assume we have a cluster described as below: 5 Celeborn Workers with 20 GB off-heap memory and 10 disks. As we need to reserve 20% off-heap memory for netty, so we could assume 16 GB off-heap memory can be used for flush buffers.

If spark.celeborn.push.buffer.size is 64 KB, we can have in-flight requests up to 1310720. If you have 8192 mapper tasks, you could set spark.celeborn.push.maxReqsInFlight=160 to gain performance improvements.

If celeborn.worker.flush.buffer.size is 256 KB, we can have total slots up to 327680 slots.

Worker Recover Status After Restart

ShuffleClient records the shuffle partition location's host, service port, and filename, to support workers recovering reading existing shuffle data after worker restart, during worker shutdown, workers should store the meta about reading shuffle partition files in LevelDB, and restore the meta after restarting workers, also workers should keep a stable service port to support ShuffleClient retry reading data. Users should set celeborn.worker.graceful.shutdown.enabled to true and set below service port with stable port to support worker recover status.
